Friday, January 27, 2012

Homework Discussion

The following post from the blog at "Parents of Wilma Hansen" has been generating a lot of feedback, although the K-6 homework situation is different, the same principles apply - what's your thought?


During the last parent association meeting there was a discussion about homework.  Homework is always a bit of a hot button topic and stances and attitudes seem to go in cycles.  But always the basic question is asked - how much is too much?  To answer that question, I did some very basic research a la Google.

According to Duke University psychologist Harris Cooper, homework amount should be guided by the '10 minute rule'.  This guideline has been endorsed by National PTA and the National Education Association.  The rule is essentially 10 minutes per grade.  So, a student in Grade 8 should expect no more than 80 minutes of homework a night, 90 for Grade 9, 100 for grade 10, etc. For another interesting and thorough review of the homework topic, read Alfie Kohn: here he discusses rethinking homework as a principal.  I also came across this unfortunate case study from Psychology Today in which Dr. Guy Winch says:
"... study after study has shown that homework has little to do with achievement in elementary school and is only marginally related to achievement in middle school."
At the last PA meeting, the general rule that was discussed for Wilma students was 30 minutes per subject.  That could mean up to 3.5 hours of homework per night!  That plus a 6 hour school day is 9.5 hours. That's a long work day for anyone let alone a young teen.  For parents who are encouraging their children to lead well rounded lives with sports, music, social circles, quiet time (reading for enjoyment, movies, video games), and family events; that kind of time commitment for school is simply too much.

To be fair, not all teachers at Wilma will give 30 minutes of homework per day as a rule and will often only assign homework for special projects or even not at all.  But some classes/teachers are definitely pushing that 30 minute guideline on a daily basis.

What has been your experience?  Do you feel your child is getting enough to do at home? Or too much?  Fill in the comment or send an email - the PA and the school appreciate your feedback.

1 comment:

  1. I think that even 10 minutes, per grade, every night is too much. I totally agree that excessive homework interrupts children's "well rounded lives." Thanks for bringing this issue up Shane.
