Thursday, May 12, 2011

New Education Act

The new Education Act, introduced to the legislature late last month, has been in the works for three years. It won't likely be passed in the spring session giving all of us time to pitch in on what we think of it. You can read the new act here, and become engaged by providing input on specific entries here. Some of the items making news already are:

- Boards will be able to close schools on their own initiative.
- Students can be suspended for bullying (digital or otherwise) even off of school property
- A new code of conduct for trustees, responsibilities for students and parents
- Much more autonomy for boards
- Boards will make their own transport policy, including walk limits for busing.
- Maximum drop out age will be 17.
- Language changes to the roles and responsibilities of school Councils; including a section stating that the Minister may, at his discretion, dissolve any Council without notice.

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