Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Last night's CEOPs meeting

Hi, Parents -

Trevor, Shane and I met with the CEOPs team again last night. It was the sixth meeting in the student accommodation process, whereby the closure of Queensland Downs Elementary is being proposed.

A review of the consultation process to date was covered, with emphasis on the values that CEOPs holds in high regard - as well as a review of parent feedback of the proposal. The major themes of which were:

- Concerns over daycare
- Transportation
- School safety
- Social transitioning
- Resources and supports

(Another concern of parents was the playground at Haultain. Some parents are concerned that the area is City owned, and that Haultain isn't responsible for it - Trevor Barkley made it clear that the CBE does indeed manage, insure and maintain that land.)

All of the five meetings to date were summarized, and those attending were informed that as it stands, the recommendation to close Queensland Elementary school is the one that CEOPs will propose to the Board of Trustees. This presentation will be made to the board on or about December 1, 2009. After this, a public meeting will be held on or about January 6, 2010.

Parents or stakeholders can request 2-3 minutes to convey written statements at this meeting - to keep Queensland open, to close an alternative school, to continue with the proposal as planned, etc. Information on how to request time will be made available here.

The decision to close Queensland Downs has not been made yet, and is still, pending public input, subject to change.

Your feedback is still very important. A final decision will be made on or about February 2, 2010.

Please visit the CEOPs project site for more information, or feel free to send your feedback to the Haultain Parent Council at the link on the top right. Also, the 'Your Voice' feedback form can be filled out and submitted here.

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