Thursday, June 11, 2009

My ADHD 8-year-old

I overcame a violent past, but my kid is testing my limits.

By Cary Tennis,

I've always considered myself to be the kind of person who handles adversity pretty well. I grew up in a household with a crazy, violent drunk, but I eventually went away to college, got therapy (a lot of therapy) and cobbled together a nice life: good husband, two healthy kids, gainful and occasionally satisfying employment. I try to be proactive, having learned pretty early that no one's going to solve your problems for you.

Read the rest here.

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful that my children are calm and mild tempered. I cannot imagine the stress this mother must go through.The acting out, the hyperness and not doing well in school, I think i would have gone crazy.
